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For a Hassle-Free Medical Evacuation Choose Panchmukhi Train Ambulance in Patna Business

1 year ago Health & Beauty Pambujan   97 views


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Location: Pambujan
Price: ₱90,000

The medical transportation service being provided by Panchmukhi Train Ambulance Service in Patna is a life-saving solution for patients that helps in shifting them without causing any complication on the way and ensures to maintain the highest level of safety all along the journey. We have a medically equipped train compartment that is incorporated with a ventilator and oxygen cylinder to guarantee the health of the patient to be in stable condition until the evacuation mission gets completed safely.

!!! Enquire Today!!!

R.K Estate, In front of IGIMS, Bailey Road, Patna, Bihar

Mob:  +91-9667077396, +91-9955990333

Email: - [email protected]

Additional Details

Condition New
Brand Health
Type Others